Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DIY Ramona Flowers Subspace Bag

Hi guys! So Halloween is tomorrow and I'm being Ramona Flowers from the Scott Pilgrim game/movie. I got a blue wig, some awesome goggles, and the last piece of the puzzle is her subspace bag! I was browsing on Etsy, hoping I can find something inexpensive...WRONG. The bags on there are really great quality, but I didn't want to spend 80 bucks on a Halloween accessory I would wear for one night. So here is my DIY costume subspace bag.


  • 2 sheets of 9x12 turquoise felt (I bought 3 sheets just in case I messed up)
  • 2 sheets of hot pink 9 x 12 felt (for the stars)
  • a turquoise bandana (for the inner lining of the bag)
  • Fabric glue (I used fabric fusion in the pen form)
  • and about a yard and a half of a ribbed hot pink ribbon for the strap
  • Sticky back Velcro

I used a small dinner plate to use as a template for the two circles to trace onto my bandana and two turquoise felt sheets. (Be careful if you're using sharpie to trace, I accidentily got sharpie on the rim of my plate >.< lol)

For your bandana pieces, you want to pin the top portion so that you have room for an opening a the top. Then you sew starting from one pin, then all the way around to the other pin, along the entire outside of that larger portion of the circle. Make sure you do not sew the shorter portion, otherwise your bag won't have an opening.
So next I got working on the stars on both sides of the bag. I just got a star template from google, and used that to trace and cut out my pink felt stars.
I then used the fabric glue to glue on the stars onto the turquoise felt circles. Let dry for 2-4 hours. I recommend placing a dictionary or textbook on top of each circle to ensure the points of the stars get securely glued :)
Once my stars were relatively dry and glued on, I then placed the felt circles on the outside of each side of the sewn up bandana. I used a little bit of fabric glue on the inner portion of the back side of the felt circle and glued to the bandana. 
Next you want to just do a zig zag stitch (if you have a machine) and sew the outside edges of the felt together with turquoise thread (hot pink would work well too). 

Lastly I sewed the edges of my ribbon to the inside of the bag. I sewed the edges on opposite sides of the bag so I could wear it cross-body style. 
And finally, I cut two small pieces of the velcro and stuck them to each side of the inner opening. 
And there you have it, you're ready to help Scott fight your 7 evil exes :) 

If you don't have a sewing machine, you can also use a fabric adhesive tape in place or a bottle of fabric glue, rather than the pen form. 

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